
How it Works

Upload Documents

Upload your own text documents or choose from a selection of public domain books.

Train the Model

Train the GPT model on your uploaded documents to create a custom language model.

Query the Model

Use the trained model to query your documents for answers to your questions.

For Who

Imagine a world where businesses can chat with their documents and instantly unlock valuable insights. AskTheData harnesses the power of GPT-powered AI to make data management simple, efficient, and user-friendly. Say goodbye to tedious searches and hello to instant answers. Join us in revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their data!

For Businesses

For Individual Use

Discover AskTheData, your personal AI-powered assistant for navigating and understanding your documents. With the power of GPT technology, effortlessly chat with your data and unlock the information you need in an instant. Save time, reduce stress, and transform the way you manage documents. Embrace the future of individual data management with AskTheData!